After struggling to make a mark initially in the film industry, Shahid Kapoor is today one of Bollywood’s most eligible bachelors. Like Ranbir Kapoor, Shahid is also often in the news for his B-town romances. From Priyanka Chopra to Bipasha Basu, Shahid has had his share of link-ups. “I read about it all the time in the papers. it’s good entertainment, hence I don’t feel the need to react,” he says.
In fact Shahid and Ranbir are quite close these days and people actually say that they are best friends. “I had met Ranbir at a recent awards ceremony. He is a great guy. We’re in touch on and off but it’s too early to term us ‘best friends.’ In fact, he has invited me to be part of the world tour he is doing but I haven’t yet checked my calendar,” says the Mausam star.
On the personal front, Shahid, who is known for following a very disciplined lifestyle, says that he hasn’t found his match yet. “I think my kind of a girl doesn’t exist,” he laughs. On a serious note, he adds that he is in no hurry to get married. “I haven’t thought about marriage. One can’t plan these things. It’ll happen when it has to happen. Unfortunately, most people think that actors only fall for women from the same profession. But I’m open to meeting girls who aren’t connected to the film industry.”
(via Deccan Chronicle)
In fact Shahid and Ranbir are quite close these days and people actually say that they are best friends. “I had met Ranbir at a recent awards ceremony. He is a great guy. We’re in touch on and off but it’s too early to term us ‘best friends.’ In fact, he has invited me to be part of the world tour he is doing but I haven’t yet checked my calendar,” says the Mausam star.
On the personal front, Shahid, who is known for following a very disciplined lifestyle, says that he hasn’t found his match yet. “I think my kind of a girl doesn’t exist,” he laughs. On a serious note, he adds that he is in no hurry to get married. “I haven’t thought about marriage. One can’t plan these things. It’ll happen when it has to happen. Unfortunately, most people think that actors only fall for women from the same profession. But I’m open to meeting girls who aren’t connected to the film industry.”
Settling down is not a priority and Shahid is currently giving one hundred per cent to his work. His next release with Kunal Kohli has him all excited. “It’s a film that I’ll always be proud of. Mausam took a while to finish but we managed to wind up Kunal’s film before time. I look up to him for his professionalism and dedication.”
Incidentally, these are the two qualities that set Shahid apart from the rest. Which means his personal life will have to take a back seat for a while.(via Deccan Chronicle)
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